
Analytical hierarchy Process

Apa kabar sahabat Galery catatan??? Nich kami gak bosen2 tuk posting sesuatu di dalam blog ini pastinya setelah sebelumnya kami memposting Gambar Ilusi optik,  tentunya kami memposting ini buat para sahabat semua yang mungkin membutuhkan suatu referensi!!! Nah Kali ini Galery catatan akan memposting dengan judul “Analytical hierarchy Process (AHP)” dimana AHP ini adalah sebuah metode untuk pendukung keputusan!!!!!! Untuk lebih jelasnya, para sahabat bias di simak nich penjelasannya dibawah !!!!!

  1. Pengertian AHP

Analytical HierarchyProcess (AHP) merupakan suatu model pendukung keputusan yang dikembangkan oleh Thomas L. Saaty. AHP menguraikan masalah multi faktor atau multi kriteria yang kompleks menjadi suatu hirarki. Menurut Saaty (1993), hirarki didefinisikan sebagai suatu representasi dari sebuah permasalahan yang kompleks dalam suatu struktur multi level dimana level pertama adalah tujuan, yang diikuti level faktor, kriteria, sub kriteria, dan seterusnya ke bawah hingga level terakhir dari alternatif.  Dengan hirarki, suatu masalah yang kompleks dapat diuraikan ke dalam kelompok-kelompoknya yang kemudian diatur menjadi suatu bentuk hirarki sehingga permasalahan akan tampak lebih terstruktur dan  sistematis.

Layaknya sebuah metode analisis, AHP pun memiliki kelebihan dan kelemahan dalam system analisisnya. Kelebihan-kelebihan analsis ini adalah :

  • Kesatuan (Unity)

AHP membuat permasalahan yang luas dan tidak terstruktur menjadi suatu model yang fleksibel dan mudah dipahami.

  • Kompleksitas (Complexity), AHP memecahkan permasalahan yang kompleks melalui pendekatan sistem dan pengintegrasian secara deduktif.
  • Saling ketergantungan (Inter Dependence)

AHP dapat digunakan pada elemen-elemen sistem yang saling bebas dan tidak memerlukan hubungan linier.

  • Struktur Hirarki (Hierarchy Structuring)

AHP mewakili pemikiran alamiah yang cenderung mengelompokkan elemen sistem ke level-level yang berbeda dari masing-masing level berisi elemen yang serupa.

  • Pengukuran (Measurement)

AHP menyediakan skala pengukuran dan metode untuk mendapatkan prioritas.

  • Konsistensi (Consistency)

AHP mempertimbangkan konsistensi logis dalam penilaian yang  digunakan untuk menentukan prioritas.

  • Sintesis (Synthesis)

AHP mengarah pada perkiraan keseluruhan mengenai seberapa diinginkannya masing-masing alternatif.

  • Trade Off

AHP mempertimbangkan prioritas relatif faktor-faktor pada sistem sehingga orang mampu memilih altenatif terbaik berdasarkan tujuan mereka.

  • Penilaian dan Konsensus (Judgement and Consensus)

AHP tidak mengharuskan adanya suatu konsensus, tapi menggabungkan hasil penilaian yang berbeda.

  • Pengulangan Proses (Process Repetition)

AHP mampu membuat orang menyaring definisi dari suatu permasalahan dan mengembangkan penilaian serta pengertian mereka melalui proses pengulangan.

Sedangkan kelemahan metode AHP adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Ketergantungan model AHP pada input utamanya. Input utama ini berupa persepsi seorang ahli sehingga dalam hal ini melibatkan subyektifitas sang ahli selain itu juga model menjadi tidak berarti jika ahli tersebut memberikan penilaian yang keliru.
  • Metode AHP ini hanya metode matematis tanpa ada pengujian secara statistik sehingga tidak ada batas kepercayaan dari kebenaran model yang terbentuk

Aplikasi AHP

Beberapa contoh aplikasi AHP adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Membuat suatu set alternatif;
  2. Perencanaan
  3. Menentukan prioritas;
  4. Memilih kebijakan terbaik setelah menemukan satu set alternatif;
  5. Alokasi sumber daya
  6. Menentukan kebutuhan/persyaratan;
  7. Memprediksi outcome;
  8. Merancang sistem;
  9. Mengukur performa;
  10. Memastikan stabilitas sistem;
  11. Optimasi;
  12. Penyelesaian konflik

Selesai dech tentang  sedikit penjelasan tentang AHP atau Analytical hierarchy Process! Jangan lupa yang sukan di like ya atau comment juga boleh!!! Salam blogger dari kami Galery catatan.

10 Band Heavy Metal Korea yang Terkenal

10 Band Heavy Metal Korea yang Terkenal - Tidak dapat disalahkan, gemerlap musik k-pop sekarang ini memanglah jadi di antara industri dengan demikian cepat pergantian dengan global. apalagi hallyu yaitu komoditi ekspor korea selatan yang demikian mengundang selera.

Bila mengulas musik korea, yang terlintas di beberapa orang yaitu sekelompok boyband serta girlband yang teridiri dari anggota cukup banyak serta mempunyai tampilan dan koreografi dance hingga tampilan itu istimewa.

Namun tahukah anda, rupanya korea juga mempunyai band-band heavy metal dengan kualitas musik yang tidak kalah. walau dengan popularitas tetap jauh di belakang k-pop, tetapi k-heavy metal juga mempunyai pengagum tersendiri. pingin cari info ? berikut 10 band heavy metal asal korea selatan yang harus didengar !

Lihat juga 10 Personil Girl Band Korea Bersuara Emas

1. Holymarsh


Meskipun kini sudah bubar dan tak aktif lagi, band heavy metal Holymarsh yang terdiri dari 3 orang ini masih ada di bagian terdepan dari musik metal Korea Selatan. Meskipun bermain dengan 'kasar', Holymarsh memiliki melodi yang istimewa. Seperti yang diungkapkan oleh Daniel Ekeroth dalam buku Deat Metal Swedia, Holymarsh pasti akan dirindukan oleh penikmat metal dunia.

2. Tokkaebi


Nama mereka diambil dari sosok setan asli Korea Selatan yang memiliki tanduk di atas kepalanya dan suka memukul-mukul sambil membawa palu. Sama seperti sosok Tokkaebi, band metal ini memberikan dentukan musik thrash metal yang akan membuatmu bisa merasakan energi konstan dalam sebuah perubahan yang begitu menyenangkan.

3. Seed


Seed menjadi begitu populer di tahun 2010 dengan merilis berbagai lagu metal yang begitu menakjubkan. Seperti band Korea Selatan lainnya, Seed menyuguhkan sensasi musik thrash metal dengan konsep klasik yang tentunya harus kamu dengar sebagai penyuka musik metal. Tertarik?

4. Asiana


Menarik ke masa lalu, Asiana adalah salah satu band metal Korea Selatan yang aktif di tahun 1980-an. Dengan efek suara sepeda motor, tarikan gitar yang istimewa dan tentunya lengkingan vokal akan membuatmu bertanya-tanya mengapa band sekelas Asiana seakan 'terlupakan' dan tergeser oleh pesona K-Pop? Kembali ke masalah selera sepertinya.

5. Sunoi


Jika band asal Swedia, Marduk memiliki lagu-lagu dengan mid-tempo, yang mungkin tak akan mereka sadari bahwa hal itu memiliki kemiripan dengan aliran musik band metal Korea Selatan, Sunoi. Meskipun kini jarang ditemukan band Korea Selatan dengan kecepatan irama istimewa, namun Sunoi memiliki komposisi musik yang wajib kamu ketahui.

6. Crash


Pada tahun 1993, Crash merilis album debut ENDLESS SUPPLY OF PAIN secara global yang diproduseri oleh produser death metal populer, Colin Richardson dan sukses terjual lebih dari 80 ribu kopi. Pada tahun 2010, Crash merilis album ke-6 sebagai bukti eksistensi mereka dan kembali ke gaya album thrash sebelumnya. Style groove metal mereka sebanding dengan band Amerika, Lamb of God.

7. Gostwind


Gostwind bisa disebut sebagai band metal Korea Selatan yang begitu unik. Mengambil genre heavy/gothic/folk metal, Gostwind terdiri dari lima member dan vokalis perempuan. Ya, vokalis perempuan. Sehingga musik Gostwind hadir dengan sangat unik. Suara nada tinggi bokal perempuan, irama elektrik yang unik, string yang mendominasi, Gostwind begitu menarik perhatian.

8. Sad Legend

Sad Legend

Untuk mereka penikmat musik hard rock dengan sentuhan irama sedih, Sad Legend adalah band yang harus kamu dengarkan. Sebagai tambahan istimewa, Sad Legend menambahkan spirit metal melalui bagian piano dan biola yang mempesona. Bakat Sad Legend membuat mereka menjadi salah satu musisi metal Korea Selatan papan atas.

9. Oathean


Dengan irama black metal yang menonjol pada keyboard dan vokal harsh, band Oathean berhasil membuat irama khas musik metal Korea Selatan selama 20 tahun masa karir mereka. Album terbaik mereka adalah FADING AWAY INTO THE GRAVE OF NOTHINGNESS, AS A SOLITARY TREE AGAINTS THE SKY, dan REGARDING ALL THE SADNESS IN THE WORLD. Band ini akan membuat hatimu berkobar dengan semangat yang 'dark' namun berkelas.

10. SWIG666


Di antara ratusan versi metal dari lagu K-Pop populer Gangnam Style, Swig666 sepertinya bisa menghasilkan versi metal lagu milik PSY itu dengan sentuhan baru dan snagat berbeda. Swig666 berhasil memperlihatkan sentuhan emosional yang pas dengan irama metal khas Korea. Sepertinya jalan karir mereka akan begitu panjang dan berpengaruh. Semoga. (Terselubung)

Baca: 10 Film Horor Jepang Paling Mengerikan

Rumus Contoh Soal Trigonometri SMA, Matematika, Sin Cos Tan α β, Sudut Ganda, Jumlah dan Selisih, Cara Menentukan dan Menghitung

Rumus Contoh Soal Trigonometri SMA, Matematika, Sin Cos Tan α β, Sudut Ganda, Jumlah dan Selisih, Cara Menentukan dan Menghitung - Pada bab ini, materi itu akan dikembangkan sampai ke rumus trigonometri untuk jumlah dan selisih dua sudut. Lebih lanjut, pada bab ini akan dibahas mengenai rumus trigonometri untuk sudut rangkap. Konsep-konsep trigonometri yang akan dibahas di bab ini sangat penting

Everest 2013: Ueli Weighs In And The Sherpa Side Of The Story

The story of the conflict that broke out on Everest this past weekend continues to dominate the news in the world adventure today. While I know many of us are ready to put the event behind us and move on, it is clear that it was an ugly incident no matter how you cut it. It is also important to note that there are always multiple sides to the story as well. In order to be fair and try to provide as much info as possible, I wanted to share a couple more nuggets of information about the clash between the three European climbers and the Sherpas.

First up, Ueli Steck has given an interview to SwissInfo.ch in which he shares a lot of information about what happened, at least from his perspective. The gist of what went down is already out there, so I won't recount the whole tale once again, suffice as to say it is important to hear it from Ueli himself. He fills in some important details, such as when he, Simone and Jon were climbing up the Lhotse Face beside the Sherpa teams, Ueli claims that there ropes were 50 meters (160 ft) to the left of those the Sherpas were putting into place. That makes it seem highly unlikely that they would have kicked ice or snow down onto the teams working below them. He also says that the team's intention was to spend the night at Camp 3, but decided they needed to head down to C2 to try to work things out with the Sherpas because they felt bad that the other commercial teams were not getting the ropes fixed. Those are ropes that Ueli says he and his companions didn't need in the first place, but most everyone else would. He claims that they felt so bad about the situation that they they completed fixing the ropes up to Camp 3, an additional 260 meters by some accounts, for the Sherpas.

The scene of course turned wild when they returned to Camp 2 with as many as 100 Sherpas attacking them. Ueli credits Melissa Arnot with saving his life and helping defuse the situation, and says that Greg Vernovage of IMG also was instrumental in calming things down and ensuring he stayed safe. I suspect there were others involved as well and we'll hear more stories like this one in the days ahead.

Perhaps saddest of all, Ueli says that he is now done with Everest. It seems the entire situation has spoiled him on Nepal and the Himalaya, and at the moment he says he doesn't want to come back. Hopefully that is just the heat of the moment speaking and that once he clams down, gets some perspective and has a chance to reflect, he'll change his mind. We'll just have to wait and see.

The entire interview is worth a read, so if you have an interest in this topic, give it a look.

As with all things, there are always two sides to the story and that once again seems to be the case with this incident. Alan Arnette has posted a detailed account of the entire affair that was written by Garrett Madsen who is the leader of the Alpine Ascents team. It fills in some more important details that help explain the situation further. For instance, the Sherpas were operating under the assumption that there wouldn't be any other teams on the Lhotse Face while they fixed ropes up to Camp 3. That was agreed upon by all of the team leaders in a meeting on April 18. Simone Moro wasn't at that meeting however, so he wasn't aware of this agreement. Working on the Lhotse Face is incredibly demanding and difficult, so the Sherpas need to concentrate on their efforts. Having another team there was distracting and counter productive to what they were doing.

When the initial confrontation broke out just below C3, Garrett claims that it was Simone who set upon the Sherpas gathered there and began berating them in Nepalese, using foul language and demeaning words. That was the straw that broke the camels back, sending the Sherpas down to C2. Later, Simone reportedly got on the radio and using an open channel called out the Sherpas, even saying they should be ready for a fight. He was steamed and wasn't letting go of the situation either.

When they descended to C2, a heated debate broke out as to who was in the right and who should apologize to whom. Another Western climber, who had nothing to do with the incident at all, bumbled into a Sherpa, who turned to defend himself. That started the big brawl which created a scene during which Ueli, Simone and Jonathan were punched, kicked and hit with rocks. While it has bee widely reported that a small group of Western climbers helped to defuse the situation, Garrett is also quick to point out that there was a group of Sherpas hat came to the aid of European team too. I think it is important to point that out.

While the situation has not been good for the reputations of any of those involved, I think we can all agree that it is time to start putting it behind us. There is a lot of climbing to be done yet this year and this whole situation is a black eye on Everest and Nepal. Ueli and Jon are reportedly heading to Kathmandu tomorrow and it remains to be seen if Simone will depart as well.

This certainly has been a strange season on the Big Hill and it isn't over yet.

Wow! Inilah 10 Blogger Terkaya di Dunia 2013

Menghasilkan uang dari blogging (Ilustrasi dari builditblogging.com)
Blogging (Kegiatan Menulis Blog) adalah salah satu profesi yang menguntungkan secara finansial, hal inilah yang menyebabkan ribuan orang menciptakan blog baru dengan berbagai platform setiap harinya hanya untuk memperoleh pendapatan. Seperti halnya bekerja secara offline pada umumnya, blogger (penulis blog) sangat membutuhkan kerja keras dalam membangun kredibilitas dan kepercayaan di mata para pembacanya.

Ada banyak blogger di dunia yang telah memperoleh sejumlah pundi-pundi dari blog baik itu sebagai part-time blogger maupun full-time blogger profesional dan telah berpenghasilan tinggi. Jika sobat ingin menjadi salah satu dari mereka, tentu sobat harus bekerja keras dan berupaya dengan penuh komitmen dan konsistensi dalam memperbaharui konten blog.

Kerja keras mereka perlu diacungi jempol dan bisa kita jadikan motivasi untuk belajar menjadi blogger yang lebih baik, bukan sekedar blogger copas demi kepentingan pribadi. Berikut ini 10 Blogger Terkaya di Dunia 2013 yang saya kutip dari toptenplus.com:

10. Ewdison Then

Ewdison Then adalah pendiri sekaligus pengelola blog Slashgear.com, sebuah blog yang berisi informasi seputar gadget, teknologi, aplikasi, dan sebagainya. Penghasilan Mr. Ewdison Then ditaksir mencapai $60.000 - $ 80.000/bulan.

9. Matt Marshall

Memilih fokus untuk blogging sejak tahun 2006 agar dapat mengajarkan banyak orang. Sama halnya seperti blog milik Ewdison Then, blog yang dikelola Matt Marshall yang diberi nama VentureBeat juga membahas seputar isu teknologi, uang, dan investasi, serta teknik-teknik dalam berbisnis. Mantan jurnalis sebuah media massa di USA ini diperkirakan memiliki penghasilan sekitar $ 80.000 - $ 100.000/bulan.

8. Gina Trapani

Jika sobat pernah mendengar blog LifeHacker.com, Gina Trapani adalah perempuan yang berjasa dalam mendirikan blog tersebut. Perlu sobat ketahui, Gina berbagi melalui blognya mengenai pengembangan diri dan berbagai tips yang sangat mudah untuk dipraktikkan. Diperkirakan penghasilan blogger perempuan terkaya ini mencapai $ 110.000/bulan.

7. Collis Taeed

Collis adalah seorang blogger profesional yang sangat senang berbagi informasi seputar design dan application software. Collis tidak membagi tutorial-tutorial briliannya secara cuma-cuma, sobat perlu merogoh kocek untuk bisa mendapatkan panduan berupa teks beserta video ekslusif dari TutsPlus.com. Semua kerja keras Collis terbayarkan dengan penghasilannya yang mencapai $ 120.000/bulan.

6. Jake Dobkin

Jake Dobkin adalah pendiri sekaligus pengelola blog populer Gothamist.com, sebuah blog yang membahas seputar urban lifestyle dan kehidupan di Kota New York (NYC). Para turis / pelancong dari luar Amerika sangat menyukai konten dari Gothamist karena begitu detail dalam membahas seluk beluk NYC, baik itu masalah transportasi, makanan, restoran, bar, dan tempat rekreasi lainnya. Dari blog ini Jake memperoleh pendapatan sekitar $ 125.000 - $ 135.000/bulan.

5. Timothy Sykes

Timothy Sykes pantas disebut sebagai ahli penasihat finansial. Dengan menggunakan domain yang berasal dari namanya sendiri, TimothySykes.com, penghasilan sejumlah $ 150.000 - $ 160.000/bulan diperolehnya dari menulis blog dan menjadi konsultan para pebisnis tanpa mengandung unsur penipuan, apalagi sistem multi-level marketing (MLM) yang menjebak.

4. Vitaly Friedman

Smashing Magazine adalah blog terpopuler yang membahas seputar jasa penyedia dan web design. Pendiri sekaligus pengelolanya, Vitaly Friedman, selalu berbagi tips desain web yang fresh disertai tutorial berkualitas agar para pembacanya dapat mengelola website mereka dengan baik. Pria berdarah Jerman ini memperoleh penghasilan sekitar $ 180.000/bulan dari blognya.

3. Perez Hilton  

Mario-Armando-Lavandeira-founder-of-perez hilton
Mario Armando Lavandeira atau yang biasa dipanggil Perez Hilton adalah seorang blogger terkenal di USA, terutama di kalangan Hollywood. Hal ini berkaitan dengan isi blog miliknya yang berisi berita, isu, serta skandal selebriti sebagai media yang menghibur dan bukan sekedar gosip murahan. Penghasilan ayah dari seorang anak ini mencapai $ 300.000/bulan.

2. Michael Arrington

Siapa sangka sebuah blog yang pada awalnya dikelola di garasi rumah kini mejadi blog teknologi paling berpengaruh di dunia. Michael Arrington adalah penggagas blog tersebut yang ia beri nama TechCrunch. Blog ini selalu update dengan konten teknologi yang menarik dan bermanfaat setiap menitnya, maka bukan hal yang mustahil apabila Michael berpenghasilan $ 500.000/bulan.

1. Pete Cashmore

Pete Cashmore adalah blogger terkaya di dunia sejak 2010 setelah menggeser posisi Michael Arrington, sang pendiri TechCrunch.

Hal yang paling menarik dari Pete Cashmore adalah ketika dia membangun blog Mashable pada tahun 2005 di Skotlandia yang mana saat itu dia baru berusia 19 tahun dan tidak memiliki impian menjadi blogger terkaya di dunia. Kini penghasilan Pete jauh lebih besar dibanding penghasilan Michael Arrington dan blogger lainnya.

Expedition 1000: Go Trekking Around Europe

Over the past several years we've been following adventurer Dave Corthnwaite as he's ridden a tandem bike from Vancouver to Las Vegas, taken a stand-up paddleboard the length of the Mississippi River and swam more than 1000 miles along the Missouri River. All of those adventures were part of Dave's Expedition 1000 project, during which he is attempting to complete 25 individual excursions of at least 1000 miles (1609 km) in length without the use of motorized transportation. Today, Dave sets out on the next leg of his project on what he calls the Go Trek.

While on the Go Trek, Dave will cover more than 3000 miles (4828 km) as he buzzes around Western Europe on an Elliptigo – a strange mash-up of an elliptical machine and a bicycle. Riders propel the bike forward by using the same motion as when they are on an elliptical machine, which sounds like a lot of fun and a lot of work at the same time. Dave will be joined on this journey by adventurer Squash Falconer, who has a name like a Bond villain but looks more like a Bond girl. Her resume includes successful summits of Everest, Cho Oyu and Aconcagua, amongst others.

Over the next nine weeks, the Go Trek will pass through the U.K., the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and France. Along the way, Dave and Squash are encouraging the general public to come join them and to that end they've published their schedule and route so that we can all plan accordingly. The plan is to share the fun of adventure with any who are willing to join them. And of course, as always with an Expedition 1000 journey, the Go Trek will also be used to raise funds for the CoppaFeel organization, a nonprofit dedicated to fighting breast cancer through early detection.

While we're on the subject of Dave and his many adventures, I'd also like to point out that his latest book, Life in the Slow Lane (Kindle UK link) is now available on the Amazon Kindle or on the Kindle App for iPhone, iPad and Android devices. The e-version of the book costs just $3.49 or £3.08 and won't be available in paperback until June. It tells the tale of how Dave changed his life from someone who went about the daily office grind into a person who embraced adventure and travel. Obviously this is what he does now, and his life is more enriched for it. I haven't had the chance to read the book yet myself, but it is on my summer reading list.

You'll be able to follow Dave and Squash's progress on Go Trek's official website. And if you live in one of the five European countries that they'll be visiting along the way, be sure to check when they'll be passing through your area.

Himalaya 2013: Summits On Shisha!

With all of the drama surrounding Everest over the past couple of days, it is easy to forget that there are plenty of other expeditions in the Himalaya this spring. In fact, while the teams on Everest continue to toil away on acclimatization rotations, elsewhere in the region other teams are already bagging summits.  A spate of good weather has been a welcome respite from conditions earlier in the season and climbers are now taking advantage of it to climb higher.

Last week we had our first summits of the season on Makalu and this week we have more successful summits, this time on Shisha Pangma. Earlier today a team that included Austrian climber Rupert Hauer,  Turkish climber Tunç Findik and Germans Luis Stitzinger and Alix von Melle reached the top of the 8013 meter (26,289 ft) mountain, which is the 14th tallest in the world, but the smallest of the 8000 meter peaks.

Others currently on Shisha but apparently not apart of this current summit bid include Spanish cilmber Rosa Fernandez, Germans Cleo Weidlich and Thomas Laemmle. Each seems to have wrapped up the acclimatization and will be looking for a weather window this coming weekend.

Over on Dhaulagiri, Polish climber Pawel Michalski is back in Base Camp after spending a few nights at Camp 2. He reports very high winds at altitude, which forced him back down the mountain. He should be close to wrapping up his acclimatization efforts as well and will most likely be looking for a weather window in the next week or so too.

Kinga Baranowska has completed her first foray up Makalu, establishing Camp 1 at 6300 meters (20,669 ft) and then pressing on to build C2 at 6600 meters (21,653 ft) before heading back to BC. She reports an inordinate number of crevasses between the two camps, which will make for slow going when moving up the slope. She also says there is less snow there this year, although plenty of ice. A good set of crampons will be in order. After spending a few days in BC, she and her teammate Rafal Fronia are now moving back up amidst good weather to spend a few nights at their higher camps. They will likely be scouting for a good location for Camp 3 while they are there.

Finally, teams aiming for a summit on Lhotse are patiently waiting for their opportunity to come. As you know, those climbers share the same Base Camp and route up to C3 as the Everest climbers, so much of their progress is the same. Right now, that means its all about acclimatization rotations and most teams are now on their way to Camp 3 or are already spending time there. While the Sherpas work to fix the lines to the summit of Everest, which will likely be completed early next week, the Lhotse climbers will have to remain patient and wait. The Sherpas will first complete the lines up Everest, then Lhotse and finally Nuptse. The teams will then proceed up in roughly that order.

Lots more action in the Himalaya to come. Stay tuned for more update.

Everest 2013: Dispute Between Climbers And Sherpas Resolved

Yesterday the big news that dominated the headlines for Everest and the mountaineering world in general was the story about the conflict that took place between Simone Moro, Ueli Steck and Jonathan Griffith with the team of Sherpas who were fixing the ropes up the Lhotse Face. I won't go into details on the subject again, as it has already been rehashed a dozen times, but if you missed the story you can read my full account here.

Obviously this story was a strange one, as you don't often see conflicts erupting between the climbers and the Sherpas in general, let alone a dispute that turns violent. Nepal's Ministry of Tourism takes these kinds of affairs very seriously and yesterday they convened a meeting in Everest Base Camp between all of the parties involved to seek a resolution. By all accounts, that meeting went well with both sides apologizing and agreeing to put their differences aside. Government officials took Simone, Ueli and Jon to task for ignoring the Sherpas orders to stay off the ropes and to not climb above them, as that could have put the health of those Sherpas in jeopardy. On the other hand, the Ministry also admonished the Sherpas for their rash behavior that eventually led to a violent attack on the three European climbers.

Both sides signed an agreement taking responsibility for their actions. Alan Arnette published the text of that agreement last night and here is what it had to say:
Today, on 2070 Bhaishak 16 (April 29, 2013) at Everest base camp at SPCC office, with the presence of the Chief of Nepal Army team leader, Major Sunilsingh Rathor and the following attended personnels agreed to do the following decisions regarding the arguments between the two groups on April 27 while fixing ropes between camp 2 & camp 3. 
1. On April 27 2013, above Everest Base Camp, at Camp 2 and Camp 3 an agreement arose between foreign climbers and Nepali climbers and the situation was discussed today at this meeting. Both parties have realized their errors and apologized to each other in front of those present. Furthermore, both parties agreed to help each other in the future to make successful each others goals. It has also been decided that this issue will not be raised again. 
2. All those present agreed and committed that such activities must never be repeated by anyone in mountaineering and in the tourism sector. If any party is dissatisfied with the actions of another party, they commit not to go into conflict or use violence against the other party. Instead they commit to report the actions to the government representatives or releventent government recognized association present at the base camps, to come to an amicable solution between the parties.
We're told that the teams shook hands and parted ways amicably although it is unclear at this time whether or not Simone, Ueli and Jon will continue their expedition. Yesterday I read on the Peak Freaks blog that the three men had "cancelled their climb and have left the mountain." That led me to update my original story with the news that they had left for home. But other outlets, including Alan and ExWeb are less clear on the matter. It could be that the Simone, Ueli and Jon have gone down the Valley for a rest and will return to resume their climb along a new route in a few days. That would give the Sherpas time to fix the ropes up to the South Col and keep the teams out of each others way while they work.

Update: As I completed this post, some new information has come to light. At least one more outlet is reporting that the team is heading home. According to this story, the three Europeans will head back to Kathmandu via Helicopter tomorrow. Simone is quoted as saying "violence killed our climbing dream." It looks like the preliminary reports were accurate and the climb is indeed over for this group. Such a shame.

In the stories that came out over the past few days it was reported that several climbers came to the aid of Ueli, Simone and Jon when they were attacked in Camp 2. The names of those who helped diffuse the situation there, and quite possibly saved their lives, have not been given until now. I'm told that three climbers who were instrumental in the affair were Peter Hamor, Horia Colibaseanu and Iustin Ionescu, each of whom is a talented and experienced climber in his own right. We'd be remiss if we didn't give a tip of the hat to those three men for risking their own lives to assist others. I'm told that none of these three would ever step forward to claim credit for their actions, but had they no intervened, this story might have had a much worse ending.

Lets hope we don't see a scene like this one on Everest, or any other mountain, for a very long time.

Tampilan Baru Google Play Store

Tampilan Baru Google Play Store - Anda yang memiliki Android, mungkin sudah pada tahu bahwasanya Google Play Store telah merubah tampilannya. Tampilan baru Play Store di dominasi dengan warna hijau khas Android, jika kita membandingkan tampilan Play Store yang dulu dengan yang sekarang, saya pribadi lenih menyukai tampilan lama, namun saat saya mencoba membuka Play Store loadnya sedikit lebih ringan dibandingkan tampilan lamanya. Bagi yang belum memiliki perangkat dengan OS Android, berikut Tampilan Baru Google Play Store.

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Contoh Soal Peluang Kejadian Majemuk Matematika Statistika, Rumus, Teori, Pengertian, Jawaban, Konsep, Komplemen, Gabungan, Saling Lepas Bebas

Contoh Soal Peluang Kejadian Majemuk Matematika Statistika, Rumus, Teori, Pengertian, Jawaban, Konsep, Komplemen, Gabungan, Saling Lepas Bebas - Misalkan, pada sebuah kotak terdapat 2 bola merah dan 3 bola hijau. Dari kotak tersebut, Anda akan mengambil 1 buah bola merah dan 1 buah bola hijau. Kejadian terambilnya 1 buah bola merah dan 1 buah bola hijau dinamakan kejadian majemuk.

1. Peluang

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Hasil seperti ini :


Rumus Peluang Statistika Matematika, Contoh Soal, Pengertian, Materi, Peluang Suatu Kejadian Sederhana, Frekuensi Harapan, Ruang Sampel, Jawaban, Teori, Definisi

Rumus Peluang Statistika Matematika, Contoh Soal, Pengertian, Materi, Peluang Suatu Kejadian Sederhana, Frekuensi Harapan, Ruang Sampel, Jawaban, Teori, Definisi - Sebuah uang logam yang bentuknya simetris ditos (dilempar ke atas sambil diputar) dan dibiarkan jatuh ke lantai. Oleh karena uang itu bentuknya simetris maka tidak beralasan munculnya gambar lebih sering atau kurang daripada munculnya


Rumus Contoh Soal Permutasi dan Kombinasi, Pengertian, Unsur yang Sama, Siklis, Cara Menentukan, Binomial Newton, Peluang, Jawaban, Matematika

Rumus Contoh Soal Permutasi dan Kombinasi, Pengertian, Unsur yang Sama, Siklis, Cara Menentukan, Binomial Newton, Peluang, Jawaban, Matematika - Berikut ini adalah materi lengkapnya :

A. Permutasi

Dalam suatu kelas,terdapat 4 orang yang akan dipilih 3 orang untuk menjadi ketua, sekretaris, dan bendahara. Banyak cara untuk memilih 3 orang tersebut dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut. Misal,

10 Tips Membuat Wajah Putih Alami dan Sehat

10 Tips Membuat Wajah Putih Alami dan Sehat - Umumnya product kecantikan yang berguna untuk melembabkan serta menyehatkan kulit terbuat berbahan-bahan yang ada di alam. oleh dikarenakan itu, kenapa tidak segera mengambil dari sumbernya saja bila pingin mendapatkan kulit sehat layaknya yang di idamkan ? di bawah ini 10 langkah mudah mendapatkan kulit muka yang sehat dengan bahan alami

10 Cara Membuat Wajah Putih Sehat dan Alami

Lihat: 10 Cara Ampuh Menghilangkan Kulit Keriput

1. Kuning Telur
Buatlah masker dengan kuning telur mentah. Aplikasikan kuning telur pada wajah dan leher, diamkan selama 30 menit, bilas dengan air dingin.

2. Putih Telur
Anda juga bisa membuat masker dengan putih telur. Aplikasikan putih telur pada wajah dan diamkan hingga putih telur mengering di wajah, baru kemudian Anda hangatkan.

3. Pisang
Tumbuk pisang yang sudah terlalu matang hingga haslus, kemudian oleskan keseluruh wajah. Diamkan selama 15 hingga 30 menit, kemudian bilas dengan air hangat.

4. Susu
Siapkan susu pada sebuah wadah, kemudian sedikit celupkan cotton bud atau kapas dan terapkan pada wajah. Biarkan hingga Anda merasa kulit wajah jadi lebih kencang dan bersihkan dengan air hangat. Rasakan kulit wajah menjadi lebih lembut.

5. Yogurt
Yogurt tanpa rasa juga bisa digunakan untuk menyegarkan dan melembabkan wajah. Oleskan yogurt pada wajah dan diamkan selama 15 hingga 20 menit sebelum dibilas dengan air dingin.

6. Minyak Zaitun
Jika Anda memiliki bibir yang pecah-pecah, oleskan minyak zaitun sebelum tidur. Biarkan semalaman dan dapatkan bibir lebih lembab dikeesokan harinya.

7. Anggur
Untuk cara yang lebih mudah, Anda bisa menggunakan anggur. Cukup potong sebuah anggur menjadi dua, kemudian gosokkan dagingnya pada wajah. Setelah merata, bilas dengan air dingin.

8. Madu
Tepuk wajah kain yang dibasahi dengan air hangat untuk membuka pori-pori. Kemudian oleskan madu pada wajah dan diamkan selama 15 hingga 30 menit. Bilas dengan air hangat, kemudian tepuk-tepuk wajah dengan kain yang dibasahi air dingin

9. Baking Soda
Gunakan baking soda untuk mengangkat kulit mati dengan mencampurkannya dengan cleanser harian Anda.

10. Alpukat
Hancurkan alpukat lalu oleskan pada wajah. Biarkan selama 10 menit, kemudian bilas dengan air dingin. Alpukat baik untuk kesehatan dan keremajaan kulit. (sumber)

Baca: 10 Cara Make Up Agar Terlihat Natural

Monastery and Castle Bebenhausen

The Monastery Bebenhausen was a Cistercian monastery in Bebenhausen whoch is today a  part of Tübingen. After the Reformation whioch took place in Württemberg in 1534 the monastery served as a convent school, hunting palace of the Kings of Württemberg and the seat of the parliament of the state of Württemberg-Hohenzollern.
The monastery was founded at the end of the 12th Century by Count Palatine Rudolf of Tübingen. A barter with the Diocese of Speyer was a prerequisite  by Count Palatinate Rudolf I of Tübingen (1182-1219) "for the purpose of his salvation" probably in 1183 donated to the village monastery Bebenhausen. Rudolf gave the bishopric of Speyer St. Martin's Church in Meimsheim and received the necessary foundation for the monastery lands. The donation was certified in 1188 by the Bishop of Speyer and 29 June 1193 by Emperor Heinrich VI. confirmed. The construction of the monastery in the 1180s-years was probably not progressing as quickly as a document of the Swabian Duke Friedrich V.  of 1187 proves, in which he law of the Congregation of the logging in the kingdom of the Forest Book and Others securitized for buildings. The monastery was - according to the design earthquake Stockhausen as burial side for the Palatinate Count's family - first settled by Prämonstratenserchorherren, they could have come from Marchtal. Before 1189/1190  Premonstratensian left Bebenhausen, and first twelve Cistercian monks of the monastery of Schönau (near Heidelberg) under the found Abot  Diepoldsberg settled there after the request of the Count Palatine Rudolf in Citeaux the localities under investigation Commission and the General Chapter was met positively. Bebenhausen was among  Schönnau and Eberbach to the filiation of the mother abbey of Clairvaux. Only under the Cistercians began the actual construction and expansion of monasteries and monastic buildings. Anyway medieval sources report at the beginning of the 13th Century by a difficult economic situation that gripped the monastery despite extensive donations and goods donations. But counted the monastic community at the end of the 13th Century, up to 80 monks and 130 lay brothers (lay brothers) and was in the course of the late Middle Ages to the richest monasteries of Württemberg. As a Cistercian monastery Bebenhausen possessed according to the High Middle Ages libertas ecclesie no Vogt, therefore lacked - in theory - the screen by a mighty rulers. This  protection practiced for many Cistercian monasteries the  (staufian) Kin, g for Bebenhausen it was the Count Palatine of Tübingen, which had as its founding family the umbrella over the monastery. In the late Middle Ages, transformed into protection (protective) rule. Also Bebenhausen was now involved in the Count Palatinate state government, which was in turn sold or pledged in 1342 to the Counts of Württemberg. Of these, the zisterze was also affected, but Bebenhausen was triggered temporarily in 1361 by Emperor Karl IV. But in the long evaded Empire Empire binding and relative immediacy of the monastery of the country's rule of the Counts and Dukes of Württemberg. In the course of the second  Half of the 15th Century reinforced the Landsässigkeit zisterze the shaft up to the country level. Bebenhausen became a prelate Württemberg monastery belonged to the Estates within the Duchy and was represented since 1498 in the Württembergian Parliament. As for a Habsburg interlude (1519-1534) Duke Ulrich I of Württemberg (1498-1550) was the reconquest of its territory succeeded, he introduced in his prelate monasteries the Reformation (1534). Bebenhausen was also affected, the Catholic monastic period was coming to an end after the 1525 zisterze had already taken damage during the Peasants' War.
After the Reformation in Bebenhausen the monks, who held to the old faith went - it was about half of 36 brothers - to Stams in Tyrol or Tennenbach in the Breisgau. Catholic monks  should return to Bebenhausen twice: during the Augsburg Interim (1548) by Abbot Sebastian Lutz (1547-1560), who was the last Catholic abbot and with Eberhard Bidembach followed the first Protestant abbot, and during the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) and from 1629 to 1632 back to 1634. After the Peace of Westphalia (1648) it was over to the Catholic convent in Bebenhausen. Already in 1556 had been set as in twelve other men Württemberg monasteries a Protestant monastery school. Many prominent personalities attended these schools in Bebenhausen about the philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling. The school was united in 1807 with the convent school in Maulbronn. The Protestant monastery was secularized in 1806
Since the monastery is located direct at the beauitful  Schönbuch a vast forest and hunting area  the rulers of Württemberg first used the  abbot's house of the formers monastery as a hunting lodge. In 1812, King Frederick of Württemberg held here the "Diane Festival" from where hundreds of captive animals driven past in front of the court and were shot down. Beginning in 1864, the monastery buildings to the east of the seclusion  where used as Castle.
When King Wilhelm III of Württemberg left Stuttgart on 09.22.2928 he and Queen Charlotte went to Bebenhausen Castle where he abicated on 30.11.1918. He and Queen Charlotte where the right to lieve there for the Rest of their life. King Wilhelm II.died at Benhausen in October 1921 where he lay in state before being brought to Luwgsburg where he was buried at the Old burial ground. Queen Charlotte lived at Bebenhausen until her death in July 1946.
After the Second World War, parliament and constitution of the state of Württemberg-Hohenzollern were justified in Bebenhausen. Parts of the plant department were used as an archive, deposit and state of the state of Württemberg-Hohenzollern until 1952. 

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